Swinging Through 3rd Grade

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Karate Graduation

Today was the Karate Graduation and we had a great time!  I was happy to see so many of my students show up today.  I know Saturdays are busy and it can be hard to squeeze in one more thing!  Graduation started off with the students demonstrating the techniques that they had learned.

Next, they got to teach their parents (and siblings) some of the techniques they learned (jabs, punches, kicks, high kicks and blocks).  I think they kids loved this!

After that the students got to break a board for completing all of their homework assignments and attending a couple extra classes (which were free!) at the studio.  I think this was the highlight of the graduation for the students.

Even the teacher's broke boards
(we were asked to break 4 boards at one time) 

 After the boards were all broke the students got to take the medal stand, one at a time, and receive their certificate and medal.
The group of third students, and teachers, who showed up for graduation
and we had to get a picture with our Karate Masters
Thanks to all the parents for supporting your child through this program.  I think they had a great time and I hope that you can implement some of those things they learned in your home (the focusing, showing respect and having self control).


We were lucky to have Master Letchenburg come and teach us some karate skills the past three weeks. The kids loved learning from him and they gleaned some important things that will help them be successful in life.  Some of the things they learned were:

1. "The Goals we set, are the goals we get"
2. "2 qualities of a champion are: attention to detail and follow through"
3. "7 magic words of respect are: yes sir, no sir, yes mam, no mam, please, thank you, and you're welcome"
4. "3 rules of concentration are: focus your eyes, focus your mind, and focus your body"

The students can repeat those from memory and they understand what each of them mean and how, by putting those into practice, will help them be more successful in school, at home and all other aspects of their life.

They were also given homework assignments throughout the three weeks and each time they completed a homework task they were given a stripe on their belt.  Some of the homework tasks were:
1. respect your parents
2. respect your teacher
3. go above and beyond at home
4. say "thank you" and "I love you"
5. Clean your room without being asked

We are so grateful for Master Letchenburg, Master Jones and Mr. Ducett for taking time out of their busy schedules to work with us!