Swinging Through 3rd Grade

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How To Fill Out The Online Background Check

In order to volunteer in the school (or even come past the office) you will need to complete the Background Check through the district homepage. Here are the instructions in case you haven't done it before or don't remember how.

1. go to www.canyonsdistrict.org
2. Scroll over the "parents and Students" tab
3. Click on "volunteers"
4. Click on "Click here to complete the volunteer application"
5. Fill in the application and make sure you click 'Submit' when you finish!

If grandparents, or other family members, like to volunteer in the classroom or come visit they will also need to fill this background check out!  

If you have any questions feel free to email me at: alanna.comer@canyonsdistrict.org or call the school at 801-826-9625

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Hanging out in Comer's Class"

Hey, Hey, We're the Monkeys!!
I can't wait for Monday to get here and to have my classroom filled with students!  We have some exciting things planned for the year and I look forward to watching each of you learn and grow.  I've been busy decorating our classroom and preparing for the school year.  Enjoy a "sneak peak" of the classroom!

"Out of all the Monkeys in the tree,
you're the one of me"

A few things about me:
* This is my first year teaching 3rd grade!  I've taught 6th, 5th and 4th grade in the past
* I love the summer and everything that goes along with it (sunshine, swimming, evening/morning walks, and visiting family)
* I have 5 nephews and 3 nieces (and one niece on the way)
* My favorite sport to play is volleyball and my favorite sport to watch is football
* I am a BYU fan and I go to all of the BYU home football games
* I look forward to coming to school everyday
* I love using technology in the classroom and teaching my students how to use it
* I do not like the snow unless I am up in the mountains

I can't wait to get to know each of you better!!!  Welcome to 3rd grade!!